Well sorry that this post has taken a while to get on, but we have been really busy ordering equipment and supplies for next season while helping our teams this season. As far as uniforms go we will be in maroon and white from Adidas with Vegas gold lettering. For those who are wondering look at American Forks girls cross country uniforms and Timpanogas High Schools uniforms. Ours are like theirs but with our colors. The photos would only show a back of a uniform in cardinal red, but ours will be in maroon.
We hope you all will be pleased with the uniform choices. We asked several of you for your input and really took it into account. Thank you to all of you who gave your input. We know that these uniforms will represent our new school and new program well. We know that in a short time that the rest of the state will know when the Maple Mtn. Golden Eagles are at a meet. We can see a whole bunch of you in these uniforms next season. We also know that we need to have as many people as we can on our teams. We encourage all of you to come and try cross country and track and field and bring a friend. We want to wish all of you good luck this season at your respective schools. Thanks,
The Coaches
Girls Top ................. Girls Back (Maroon)

Boys Top ............ Boys Back (Maroon)