Friday, December 11, 2009

Footlocker 09 Results

Golden Eagles --

What a great trip had by all involved. The weather was great. The beach as amazing. Disneyland was crowded and fun. And the race was chanllanging and fun to run. We as coaches are so pleased with all of you and all the hard work you have put into the entire season. Full race results can be found by going to the following link: look under western regionals. Thanks to all of you for a great first season. Now Track & Field pre-conditioning is upon us and let us carry all our hard work and enthusiasm over to that as well. We as coaches will always remember this our first season and you all doing what everyone said couldn't be done. Thank you Eagles, Thank You.

--The Coaches

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Indoor Track

Golden Eagles --

Just a quick reminder that we are holding an indoor track/ track pre-conditioning team information meeting on Monday December 7th at 3:00pm in the team room (A-107). Come and get all the information you need for the indoor season. Hope to see you there.

--The Coaches