Sunday, May 12, 2013

State Track Meet Notes & other info

Golden Eagles--

Wednesday & Thursday gave our TEAM a chance to show our region what we thought our TEAM could do. Well done to all of you. As coaches we are so proud of all of you for stepping up at the right time to help your TEAM out. It was a very selfless balanced TEAM effort and sometimes you come up just short. We as coaches are very proud of our 2nd place finish by both our boys & girls TEAM and know that we can build upon this for the future. Full meet results can be found at

Now for those of us who are off to state let us stay focused and see this one all the way to the end. See this journey through. Yes that means you will need to go one more week giving up things that “the normal teenager” doesn’t give up, but you will gain something that “the normal teenager” will never get. See it through to the end & get your reward!

Now upcoming events to be aware of:
Tuesday May 14th: JV Region at Salem Hills High School. Start time for this meet is 3:30pm, The bus will leave MMHS at 2:30pm. This meet is for any athlete who did not qualify for state. This gives you one more chance to go for that PR and one more time to wear that Maple Mountain uniform.
Thursday May 16th:  This day our state qualifiers will be having dinner at Brick Oven at 5:30pm, this is again only for our state qualifiers.
Friday May 17th & Saturday May 18th is the State Championships at BYU. The order of events can be found here:  We are as well helping run this meet. This is part of our fundraiser just like we did last week with the BYU invitational. This is a great way to help your team by helping BYU put on the state championship meet. We need every member of the TEAM to help out on these two days. Details will be given in practice. We also would like to have every member of the TEAM there to cheer on our TEAM as we go for our goals.
Wednesday May 22nd will be our Track & Field Honor Banquet at MMHS. The start time for this is 6:00pm Please plan on attending this banquet so we can honor all of you for your work this season. Thanks.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Running, Jumping, and Throwing!

--The Coaches