Golden Eagles --
We want to hold a pre-season kick off BBQ. This will be on Thursday June 25th @ 6:00pm. We will be meeting at the trail head of Hobble Creek Canyon. Where we will go for a brief run up the canyon and come back to Maple Mountain High School where the "grill masters"
of Coach Boyack, Coach Reg, and Coach Thompson will BBQ up some food for all. Salem Hills and Spanish Fork will be joining us along with anyone else who wants to come on this run. This will be a great chance to get to know some of your future teammates, coaches, and other runners. We hope to see all of you and a friend there. Please pass along the word about this BBQ to others. Hope your running is going well. You all should be out running and logging those miles. Keep on running and we will see you on Thursday June 25th.

-- The Coaches