Golden Eagles --
What a first season! Thank you to all of you for a memorable year. Thanks to all of our Coaches, Athletes, and Parents for all of the support and hard work this season. For a first year school to finish 3rd in the boys while battling all the way to the end for a state championship is just unbelievable. Girls you all rose to the challenge and stepped up. Thank you all! Congratulation to all of you. We as coaches are so pleased with what our TEAM accomplished through hard work, Good Sportsmanship, and doing it the right way. Full meet results can be found at
A few end of season items for you. We will be holding a team banquet for all members of the track team and their parents on Thursday night at 6:00pm at MMHS cafeteria to celebrate this first season. This will be a catered dinner. The cost will be $7 dollars per person. This can be paid to the finance office until Thursday at 3:00pm or pay at the door on Thursday night. If you pay at the finance office please give your receipt to Coach Wyatt. We ask that this be a best dressed event. We will also give out our season awards. If you will be able to attend this banquet please RSVP Coach Wyatt by Tuesday Night at 8:00pm. (Tell him at his classroom or email at
We are also asking for your help. We did not get as many photos of this first season as we would have liked and are asking that if you have any you would like for us to use as we document this first year. Please give them to Coach Wyatt on a disc or a flash drive by Wednesday night at 8:00pm. These are any type of photo of anyone on our team for this first season (facebook, cell phone, grandma’s camera, or your own) please, we need your help with this, Thanks.
All athletes need to turn in their uniforms (Cross country & Track & Field, yes even the temp cross country "old school" ones) to Coach Wyatt's room (C-108) by Wednesday at 3:30pm or you will be placed on the fine list ($42.00) and not be allowed to get your yearbook until the fine is paid. Thanks for your help in this matter.
And finally all cross country athletes there will be a very brief (5 min) info meeting on Thursday right after school in Coach Wyatt's room to discuss our summer training. Hope to see you all there as we work on building on our success of this year.
--The Coaches