Friday, July 30, 2010

XC Camp Notes & Stewart Falls Run

Golden Eagles --

***Our thoughts and prayers go out to Brandon Curtis's family, TEAMmates, coaches, friends, and the whole Springville High School community at this time. We are so sorry for your loss. We feel honored to have known you Brandon. You will always be in our hearts. ***

Well it is time for our cross country TEAM camp. We like to hold this TEAM camp locally so that we save you all money. Even though we will be having this camp locally we have a lot of fun activities, great workouts, and a lot of time to get to know your fellow TEAMmates. This TEAM camp is essential to helping our TEAM achieve our TEAM goals and your personal goals as well. Please make every possible arrangement to be to this week of camp. The cost for all of the activities and camp T-shirt is $20 per athlete. Please get this money into the Finance office ASAP. We are meeting on Monday for our AM run and TEAM breakfast at Central Bank (385 North Main St) Mapleton at 7:00am ready to run. The camp schedule is as follows:

Monday August 2nd
***All day benefit for Brandon Curtis Family Snowie snow cones by Two Jacks Pizza in Springville. All profits for this day will be donated to the Curtis Family. We encourage you all buy a snow cone at this location and support the Curtis Family.***

7:00 AM Run – Whiting Campground & TEAM breakfast (Meet at Central Bank, in Mapleton (385 North Main Street)
7:00 PM Run – Grass Work at MMHS & TEAM building games

Tuesday August 3rd

7:00AM Run – Ira Allen Grass Course Run and after workout “Water Balloon fight” (bring water guns, water balloons, any thing to use in a water fight)
7:00PM Run – Run & Movie at MMHS along with TEAM building Games. Fun run and a outside movie night

Wednesday August 4th

7:45AM meet at MMHS for TEAM Building Activity (Ropes Course & Run) Will need to carpool and caravan to the ropes course and back.
2:00PM Team slip N slide at MMHS along with other TEAM building games.
No PM night run

Thursday August 5th

7:00AM Run – Eagle Rock Park Run (Meet at Ira Allen park)
Noon TEAM activity Swimming at “The Reservoir” in SF
6:00PM Run – “The Grotto” meet at MMHS for carpool and caravan & TEAM building games

Friday August 6th

7:00AM Run – The River bottoms road run
9:00AM - Noon Service Project: Tree Planting at MMHS
5:30PM Team Dinner: The Pizza Factory in Spanish Fork

Saturday August 7th

7:00AM Golden Eagle 5k (Race)

We look forward to seeing all of you this week for cross country camp as we "Rise Above!"

Stewart Falls 2010
We want to thank all of you who came to our TEAM night run last night to Stewart Falls. It was a real blast.  We have to give a big time THANK YOU to Coach Boyack for the dutch oven cooking. You really out did yourself this time Coach, the cobbler was the best! Thank you to all the families who let us use their dutch ovens. Thanks to all the people and parents who helped drive. A very special thank you to Melanine and Margrett for coming along for a great night. Thanks also all the "Friends of the program" who tagged along for this run as well, and a final thanks to all of you for coming and making it such a fun night. Golden Eagles we were very impressed that so many of you took the time to go under the falls. Thank you for all your hard work this summer we as coaches are very impressed and know that it will pay off in the quest for our goals. Enjoy some of the many photos.

Happy Running!
--The Coaches