Yesterday we had a chance to experience some high altitude racing over the rolling hills on the 3 mile course at the Park City Invite. Full race results can be found here: Park City Invite Boys Results, Park City Invite Girls Results. Both the boys and girls TEAM's placed 4th overall out of 21 schools and were the #1 4a school in this meet. The girls TEAM improved their gap from 38 seconds to 34 seconds from 1 through 5 but even more impressive than that is that a gap of 48 seconds from 1 through 9. Thank you ladies for your constant focus and hard work on your racing and helping your TEAM. The boys TEAM were able to show a solid TEAM run with all 7 improving times on this course from last year and also decreasing our gap from 1 through 5. Thank you guys for rising above the challenges that you are facing and focusing on your TEAM and your racing. We are really starting to see our practice pay off. We know that as we "see it through" that our TEAM and individual goals will be reached. Keep it up!
Next race up for us is the Region VIII Championships (Tuesday October 12th) on our home course at Maple Mountain High School. The JV girls will race at 4:00pm followed by the JV boys at 4:30pm followed by the Varsity Girls at 5:00pm and finally the Varsity Boys at 5:30pm
Happy Running!
--The Coaches
P.S. Congrats to those who earned the milkshakes at Granny's! Man those milkshakes were good. Can't wait til we get to have the one on the beach in California!
Sorry the course was not the best for photos ;(