Golden Eagles --
We hope all of you enjoyed your Thanksgiving Holiday with your families. This week we will take our much talked about and anticipated trip to the Footlocker Western Regional Cross Country Championships at Mt. San Antonio College in Walnut California. Of the 64 athletes who are going on this trip only 24 have done this trip before. Therefore, in addition to practice Monday and Tuesday this week we will be having a required meeting this Tuesday in Coach Wyatt's classroom right before practice @ 3:00pm. In this meeting we will be giving out our travel information and our hotel information so that you can pass this on to your folks. Make every effort to be to this meeting. We will keep it short, but do have information (School absence forms, rooming assignments, transportation assignments, hotel info, Disneyland info, beach info, and race info) we need to go over with all of you.
Happy Running,
--The Coaches