Wednesday, July 2, 2014

4th of July & Moratorium training notes

Golden Eagles,
It has been a great start to this new season. It has been great to see so many of you each morning. You all have been working really hard. Thank you for your hard work and for all of your efforts. Thank you. All of your hard work will pay off as you keep working toward your goals. Now remember to invite a friend or two to come run with our TEAM. It is important that during the Moratorium that you don't wast the hard work you have put in. You need to keep running over the Moratorium break, contact your teammates and run with them. Below is the training notes handed out at practice. Reminder that tomorrow July 3rd we are meeting at 7:00AM at Canyon View Park in Spanish Fork. 

July 4-12 Training Ideas
Keys to Success
Enjoy time with family
Maintain good habits (run, stretch, abs)
Run daily (even if it’s just a little. Something is better than nothing)
Adjust hard/easy/hill days to fit your schedule.
Keep track of your efforts ( Team ID: T-15446140805-24
Call teammates to run with them!
Friday, July 4th
Independence Day race or solid distance run
Saturday, July 5th 
Long, slow Saturday run
Mon-Wednesday July 8, 9, 10
Do your best to accomplish the three following runs:
o “Medium day” wherein you run a consistent effort throughout the run
o “Hard Day” at a solid pace with two 3-4 minute pickups in the middle of the run that are 30-45 seconds faster than your normal pace
o “Easy day” (preferably after the hard day) wherein you run normal mileage but at a relaxed/comfortable and consistent pace
Thurs-Saturday July 11, 12, 13
Do your best do accomplish the three following runs:
o “Hill day” (preferably after an easy or medium day) wherein you run your normal distance/pace but go on a hilly route. Consider running somewhere up the canyon if possible
o “Easy day” (preferably after hill day) wherein you run normal mileage but at a relaxed/comfortable and consistent pace
o “Long Day” wherein you run slightly slower than normal but add 1-2 miles to your normal distance

Best wishes & Happy Running!
--The Coaches