Golden Eagles--
The MMHS Track &Field TEAM is starting practice on Monday February 23rd @ 3:00pm out at the track with a Parent Information meeting on Wednesday February 25th at 3:00pm in the MMHS Auxilary Gym.
Track & Field is for all grades and all students. Any student who wants to run faster, jump higher, or be stronger should come and do track and field. It is a great chance to be apart of a championship team, be with great teammates, and a whole lot of fun. We NEED you and your friends for our TEAM. If you think that track & field is not for you, give it a try for a few weeks. You may end up just loving the sport. Track & Field is more than just running. We have 16 different scoring events and need to have people who can do all of these events. There is running, jumping, and throwing. Track & Field has something for everyone.
Come be a part of the MMHS Track & Field TEAM on Monday February 23th.
If you have any questions or need more info see any of the Coaches