Golden Eagles --
Below is the information about the BYU meet this Saturday. Remember to be at the school at 7:30am!
2010 BYU Autumn Classic Cross Country Invitational
BYU Campus XC Course, Provo, Utah
Saturday, September 4, 2010
9:00 am Frosh/Soph Boys 5K9:30 am Frosh/Soph Girls 5K
10:10 am JV Boys 5K
10:40 am JV Girls 5K
11:15 am Varsity Girl's 5K
11:40 am Univ. Men's 4 Mile
12:05 pm Varsity Boy's 5K
12:40 pm Awards
Awards - Individual awards will be given to the top 30 finishers in each of the 6 high school races. Team awards will be presented to the top three teams in the Varsity races and the top two teams in the Collegiate, JV and Frosh/Soph races.
Spikes - Spikes are allowed but limited to 1/4" pyramids to protect the track. No pin spikes or Christmas trees.
Admission - Entrance to the Autumn Classic is $5. Children 5 and under are free. Any youth athlete age 14 and under that wears their track or cross country uniform is admitted free!
Happy Running!
--The Coaches